Five Key Steps to Alleviate Eczema Symptoms in Toddlers

Posted by My Mia's Skin Relief on

My Mia’s Skin Relief
Oct 12, 2023

Five Key Steps to Alleviate Eczema Symptoms in Toddlers

Toddler Eczema

Every parent's aim is to provide their children with unwavering love, optimal care, and proper nourishment right from birth. Yet, some challenges, like toddler eczema, are unpredictable and unavoidable. This condition appears as parched, reddened, itchy skin, often first noticed on the face, and may spread elsewhere over time. 

One of the primary difficulties during toddlerhood is that children cannot always articulate their discomfort, making them fussy and agitated. If you're grappling with this challenge, remember you're not alone. Eczema, typically appearing before age five, is a widespread issue. 

Though there's no definitive cure yet, here are five expert-recommended steps to manage and mitigate your toddler's eczema symptoms:

1. Gentle Skin Cleansing 

  • Bath your toddler twice daily as sweat can exacerbate eczema.

  • Opt for non-toxic, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic shampoos and body washes.

  • Favor child-friendly natural bath salts over bubble baths.

  • Ensure the water temperature is below 30°C (86°F).

  • Limit bath time to 5-10 minutes.

  • Use a soft cotton washcloth and avoid rubbing the skin. 

Toddlers Eczema
2. Administer Prescribed Topicals After a gentle pat dry, apply any doctor-prescribed eczema ointments or creams to the necessary areas. 

3. Soothe and Hydrate Liberally use a thick, natural, and allergen-free moisturizing cream all over your child's body, especially after drying them post-bath. This helps lock in moisture when the skin is slightly damp.

Toddlers Eczema

4. Wet Wrap for Severe Flares This technique is helpful during particularly severe episodes: 

  • Dampen a set of clean pajamas or onesies with warm water, wringing out the excess.

  • Dress your child in these, covering with a dry cloth.

  • Maintain a warm room temperature or use a blanket.

  • Let it stay for several hours or overnight.

  • Afterwards, moisturize again. 

Toddlers Eczema
5. Deep Skin Hydration Alongside regular moisturizing, a richer hydrating cream is vital for extremely dry skin. Opt for natural ingredient-based products.

Conclusion: Tackling toddler eczema involves a multi-faceted approach. With diligence in selecting the right skincare products, you can offer your child the relief they deserve. For peace of mind, consider investing in a highly-rated, natural, and non-toxic skin relief kit. My Mia’s Skin Relief, provides a 3 step skin relief kit that gently cleanses, calms and nourishes skin. 


From our Visitors

  • My little girl has suffered with eczema for under a year now. We’ve tried all sorts, over the counter creams and of course steroid creams. Which we’ve only used intermittently as it’s not something we want to use. Mia’s skin relief popped up on an advert which I kept seeing, so I thought why not. So pleased that I did buy this product. I was a little skeptical at first but it calmed and soothed her skin in a matter of two days. I cannot believe how amazing it has worked I wish I’d of found this sooner. My little girl is very happy that her rashes are getting better. No more steroid creams for us now. Thank you to Mia’s skin relief.

    Lauren J. - United Kingdom
  • We can use level 1 which is brilliant moisturise and level 2 is great for inflamed areas. The salts a good too. Unfortunately I cannot use level 3 as it contains sweet almond and lo is allergic to almonds. Tgis is the first natural products that have been sucessful
    Clare M. - United Kingdom
  • I bought the skin relief kit for my son who’s eczema was all over his hands. We started with the Phase 2 cream and now are onto phase 1. His eczema has drastically improved and I’m thrilled to used natural products instead of steroids. I’ve used the phase 1 cream on my daughter. She’s had dry cheeks and nothing as worked. I’ve used it twice and her skin already feels much more supple and clear. Love it. Thank you, Geeta!
    Nazm S. - United Kingdom

My Mia’s Skin Relief

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