Natural Solutions to Eczema: Safer Alternatives to Bleach Baths

Posted by My Mia's Skin Relief on

My Mia’s Skin Relief
Oct 12, 2022

Natural Solutions to Eczema: Safer Alternatives to Bleach Baths 

Natural Solutions to Eczema
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis as it's scientifically known, impacts approximately 15-20% of children globally. Witnessing your baby or child deal with the discomfort of dry, itchy skin and rashes can be distressing for parents.
Historically, bleach baths have been a go-to remedy for eczema relief. But the application of bleach, a potent chemical, can be detrimental to the delicate skin of children. Consequently, many dermatologists advocate for natural alternatives that offer comparable efficacy without the harshness.
Here's a deep dive into why natural solutions might be the best choice for your child's eczema.

Understanding Bleach Baths

Primarily utilized for teenagers and adults, bleach baths aim to counteract eczema symptoms by eliminating harmful skin bacteria and diminishing inflammation.
A typical procedure includes diluting bleach in a bathtub and soaking in the mixture for around 10-15 minutes. The recommendation is often to undertake this routine thrice weekly to alleviate eczema or related skin conditions. However, for younger children, this approach has several drawbacks.

The Drawbacks of Bleach Baths for Children

For infants and young children, bleach baths can often aggravate the situation. The potent chemical compounds can intensify skin irritation, exacerbate dryness, and heighten itchiness.
Moreover, eczema often results in raw and open skin wounds. The bleach can penetrate these wounds, potentially entering the bloodstream.
Though a bleach bath might offer short-term relief, the long-term repercussions on a child's skin can be detrimental. Hence, the pivot towards natural alternatives. 
Drawbacks of Bleach Baths for Children

The Appeal of Natural Eczema Treatments

Natural treatments are devoid of abrasive chemicals, making them safer and gentler for a child's sensitive skin. These remedies focus on soothing the skin and offer the dual advantages of skin cleansing and infection prevention, without the adverse impacts of bleach baths.

A Trusted Natural Solution: My Mia's Skin Relief Bath Salts

One standout product in the realm of natural eczema treatments is My Mia's Skin Relief Bath Salts. Designed expressly for tackling dry and itchy eczema in children and adults, this product stands as an excellent alternative to bleach baths.

Crafted with entirely natural components, these bath salts offer a gentle yet effective way to purify and soothe the skin. The distinct formula, infused with soothing herbal extracts, is specifically tailored for eczema.

By removing dead skin cells and detoxifying the skin, My Mia's bath salts not only offer immediate relief but also lay the groundwork for effective eczema treatment. This approach bolsters the overall health of a child's skin, curbing potential future skin issues.

Endorsed by countless parents across the globe, My Mia's Skin Relief Bath Salts have made a genuine difference in the lives of children with eczema. Check them out and discern their potential benefits for your little one.

This was the first product developed by our Founder, her daughters skin relief. Realizing the added toxins entering Mia’s body via bleach, this natural Skin Relief Bath Salt works to gently cleanse, clear and calm the skin prior to treatment.

Restorative Skin Relief Bath Salts


My Mia’s Skin Relief

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